Webinar Recording| New EPR regulations in the EU

Understanding legal requirements across countries

The EU EPR Directive obliges you as a producer, seller and distributor of electronic equipment, packaging and batteries to participate in sustainable waste management. The EU Directive is translated into national law by each country itself, which means that you must comply with the guidelines of the target market when exporting.

In the webinar with Rolf Andreas, International Key Account Manager at Deutsche Recycling GmbH, you will find out which regulations currently apply in the areas of WEEE, packaging and batteries.

Ask your questions in the Q&A session afterwards and receive direct feedback from our experts.


This webinar was streamed live.


Date: 10.09.2024

Day: Tuesday

Time: 10:30 AM

Duration: 1 hour

In this webinar you will learn...

  • which innovations apply in the areas of WEEE, packaging and batteries
  • which other product areas are regulated by law in the EU
  • which mandatory information you must include in your documents
  • which deadlines you must comply with


Rolf Andreas

Rolf Andreas

International Key Account Manager


About Deutsche Recycling

Deutsche Recycling is the service provider for strategically managing national and international recycling regulations, focusing on packaging, batteries, and electrical appliances. We enable our clients to engage in global trade with legal certainty while fully meeting all regulations, requirements, and procedures sustainably.

EPR-Neuerungen in der EU - Rolf Andreas